Nine to go

Just nine trains left now with seats available to book: Saturday 13 - 3.30 and 4.00; Saturday 20 - 4.00; Christmas Eve - 12.15, 12.45, 1.30, 2.00, 2.30, 3.00. All the other trains are full - approx 350 passengers per train.

Helping on the silly, I mean santa hat stall, I've been told by many visitors what a great time they've had and how wonderful the presents are. No one has seemed at all disappointed. Loads of very happy children.

Just what we aim for. And an excellent advert to their friends and neighbours; we are still getting bookings in and the remaining seats and getting filled, as you can see by the 'full' marks on the listing on the station site home page.

Forecast for Saturday is still saying wet, though getting colder, so hope we don't simply get soaked - much better to get chilly but stay dry - kids can bounce around to warm up; it's no fun at all if it's pouring rain. Sunday is better, dry and cold. Seven layers are easier to manage than a large umbrella.

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