noticeboard issue from GM

There have been two Holding Board meetings recently. A special Board was called on the 27th November to consider a presentation on the Bridgnorth Development Project. Ian Baxter, Project Sponsor, presented and was assisted during the evening by David Postle, Chairman of the Conservation & Heritage Committee.

The presentation discussed five main elements of the Bridgnorth project, the listed building, access, public realm, accommodation and operations. With an examination of the financial performance of retail and catering at Bridgnorth, the presentation concluded looking at plans and draft building designs for new buildings. The Bridgnorth Development team was tasked with continuing the good work undertaken and to detail further two options for catering locations identified in the presentation.

1 comment:

  1. If the ten year plan for redevelopment is to reach any kind of satisfactory conclusion, then the decision making process needs to be speeded up considerably. We have had approx. 2.5 years talking about redevelopment, but precious little in the way of firm decisions and allocation of work, be it volunteer or by contractor. It has to be said, that in my particular area, our volunteers average age is now approaching 70, with no sign of new young blood on the immediate horizon. If this issue is not given serious attention, then I can see routine maintenance becoming a very expensive burden on the finances, if outside contractors are brought in to cover. Robin Pearson, Wailing Wall CC. Bridgnorth.


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