November loco notes

Mark Vrettos reports from the BH mpd

Early in October we used the wheeldrop for Bradley Manor to drop out the leading tender wheelset which had wheel flats.

We seem to be getting a lot of these recently with 42968's tender being withdrawn early, and a number of carriages red carded. There are some views on how these appear, and we must get a grip of this problem, as it is now costing the railway serious time and money.

2857 was lowered onto its wheels on Monday 25 October. Now all the bits can be bolted on. It will come off the jacks when the springs and rods are fitted. The boiler is being readied for its steam test and safety valve setting. After this we will be looking for a gang to paint the boiler with the heat resistant paint, planned for 4-5 Nov.

We are planning the next few months of work going into next year. We need to get some more midweek help to push the various projects along.

1501, 813 (contract), 5164 (wheeldrop, 53,000 miles), and a start on 75069 are in the frame, along with finishing 2857 and 6634.

As well as this, we need to carry out a valve and piston exam on 7802, so there is a massive undertaking of work required.

If it is left to paid staff only, we will have to drop overhauls in favour of running repairs, and we need 2857 for next year's season.

To do all this we need more help than we get at the moment. The railway being shut in January-early February does not mean that the work stops. In the loco works, conversely, it increases!

So please give it a go and come along.

And if anyone is interested in the role of Driving Schools Co-ordinator, following the standing down of Derek Wright, please let us know.

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