The age limit which prevents regular blood donors from continuing to give blood beyond their 70th birthday has been scrapped.
There are currently 1.414 million registered blood donors in the UK, with one in ten aged 60 or above.
The age limit on blood donations was raised from 65 to 70 in 1998.
An age limit was put in place as a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of the donor, but recent evidence from other blood services has shown no harm to donors over the age of 70.
People who have donated in the last two years will be able to continue giving as long as they meet selection rules.
Age Concern, said: "Many older blood donors will welcome the news that their age will no longer prevent them from donating blood, allowing them to continue contributing to this vital service.
"The change to National Blood Service rules is a great example of how breaking down age barriers brings huge benefits, not only to older people, but society in general.
"We hope it will encourage other organisations to look carefully at their policies and ensure they don't unnecessarily exclude people because of their age."
There are currently 1.414 million registered blood donors in the UK, with one in ten aged 60 or above.
The age limit on blood donations was raised from 65 to 70 in 1998.
An age limit was put in place as a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of the donor, but recent evidence from other blood services has shown no harm to donors over the age of 70.
People who have donated in the last two years will be able to continue giving as long as they meet selection rules.
Age Concern, said: "Many older blood donors will welcome the news that their age will no longer prevent them from donating blood, allowing them to continue contributing to this vital service.
"The change to National Blood Service rules is a great example of how breaking down age barriers brings huge benefits, not only to older people, but society in general.
"We hope it will encourage other organisations to look carefully at their policies and ensure they don't unnecessarily exclude people because of their age."
Earlier this year some people with diabetes and high blood pressure were cleared to donate blood for the first time.
A committee of experts ruled it was safe for these groups to give blood, even if they are taking medication to control their condition.
NHS Blood and Transplant is also asking individuals of all ages to donate blood over Christmas, when supplies often come under intense pressure.
On average, the blood services across the UK need 8,200 donations each day to keep up stocks.
Blood does not keep for long and so the blood services need to have sufficient stocks to meet demand for between nine and 10 days.
The National Blood Service is not to be confused with the National Health Service.We are an integral part of the NHS, and we guarantee to deliver blood, blood components, blood products and tissues from our 15 blood centres to anywhere in England and North Wales.Naturally, we also ensure that the blood we supply is properly screened and is safe for patients. Every year we collect, test, process, store and issue 2.1 million blood donations. We depend entirely on voluntary donations from the general public, and try to encourage our existing donors to give three times a year. (It's amazing what the promise of a free cup of tea and some biscuits will do...)
The minimum age is 17, and you can book online for a centre near you at a convenient time. Donor sessions are held in halls in villages as well as in towns and the permanent centres such as Birmingham. Check out www.blood.co.uk for more info or call 0845 7 711 711.
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