
Saturday 30 April - day began with cleaning 7812 ready for service. Andy, Hugh, Adam, Oliver S, Phil.

Service engine was class 20 diesel for the first half of the day, due to a failure of 4566.

Later on, dismantling of 4566 front running plate, began to remove front sections beyond the cylinder valve covers. These needed removing so that the valves could be accessed and removed to be repaired and serviced. This took up most of the day.

Oliver and Adam were linishing down to bare metal of the first wheel of the set for 1501 ready to go into first coat of primer.

The surface of the wheels on the outside need to be completely clean and smooth to allow the painting to work properly and look most effective, plus lasting longer on the metalwork.

After 7812 was moved off the big external pit, ash was dug out from where 7812 had emptied its ashpan the previous disposal.

Some cleaning work was done on 43106 in preparation for return to traffic in a few weeks time after the piston rod and cover replacement has been completed, carried out by Andy, Oliver and others.

End of day, 7812 disposed and left on the big pit road (road 5) ready for next day's running.


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