Whilst this is a very simple task, it can be very time consuming and can easily occupy two people with shovelling and emptying full barrow loads.
On road 2 we didn't go as far as washing down the grey concrete section of the four foot before the pit, but will likely do tomorrow.
The completion of this job also saw the deterioration of the decent weather, to damp and wet, then to horrible warm and sticky - the worst weather for exertive shovelling.
In prep for applying paint to 2857's frames during the afternoon, we gave the brushes that were left soaking in the paint shop a thorough cleaning and drying off, to then be usable later. Whilst Richard did a nice job touching up with the grey primer where the frames had been repaired, Chris and Adam were presented with the less than pretty task of disposing of the old white spirit cleaner, and the residual paint gunk left in the bottom of the cleaning tins. Not a nice job.
Finally, the job that took longest was to apply the next coat of chassis undercoat to the 2857 running plate on the right hand side. Hopefully one of us will get a coat on the left hand side once the primer has dried tomorrow.
Report based on Adam's notes.
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