WWCC Tuesday gang

Wailing Wall Construction Company (WWCC) plc (pretty limited craftsmen) had a good day today in the sunshine. Robin reports...

Colin was welcomed, and his appearance enabled the completion of the cement fillit on the tin roof of the porter's room. It will need painting with either white stone paint or possibly black bitumastic, just to ensure a watertight seal. After this is done, WWCC can dress back the flashing, and finally give the whole roof a coat of black paint, as prescribed by the 'heritage mafia'.

They completed another waste basket surround, and are going to give it another coat of fence guard before releasing it 'into traffic'. A job for Dave on Saturday?

And Adam has been gamefully employed applying two coats of wood primer to the new Tickets and Trains noticeboard.

This leaves just six more surrounds to construct - anyone know of some pallets going cheap (ie free!)? Please let us know.

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