Wood you believe it

Wailing Wall CC had a busy very productive Saturday. Robin reports..

With some assistance from Dave L, the waste basket surround has now been completed, and has already entered service.

Geoff M has applied a second coat of white wood primer to the new 'Tickets and Trains' signage, taking advantage of the fine weather. He was also able to apply a first coat of dark undercoat, leaving a second undercoat and two top coats to be applied. All this means that, hopefully, the new sign can be installed within two weeks, in plenty of time for the Autumn Gala.

Meanwhile, I was able to assist Phil B with further restoration of the Lister truck. This particular item seems to be attracting considerable interest from the passing punters, and all in all it looks like being a very useful addition to the station.

Why not join the Wailing Wall Construction Company PLC (pretty limited craftsmen)? We're a very friendly bunch, and welcome newcomers of all skill levels, Tuesdays and Saturdays.

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