where's tha bin

Wailing Wall CC have had another busy Tuesday, though Alan (The Cricket) has taken two weeks annual leave! Let's just hope the Test side carry on in the current good form. Robin reports..

Today Alan (Severn Trent) and I have manufactured TWO waste bin surrounds.

[ED They are crafted (aka knocked together) from those pallets above, acquired for free on collection from people wanting to get rid for free - and we always need more... back to you, Robin]

They now only require the ministrations of DaveL to apply two coats of Fenceguard on Saturday, and then they are ready for launch.

In addition, I have applied the first coat of brilliant white gloss to the new Tickets & Trains signage edging. Hopefully, weather permitting, we can get the second coat done on Saturday. This will only leave the gloss black background, and the rear of the sign, to complete.

Voila - the completed bin surrounds, awaiting their finishing coats.

Adam was kept occupied dismantling pallets, followed by working on platform 2 running in board. His injury was sustained without his apparent knowledge(!). I am fully confident that he will survive...

mailbox@bridgnorthstation.co.uk - newcomers always welcome.

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