The coal drops at Bridgnorth Station are a signifcant feature of the entrance to the site. Many years ago they were slabbed and concreted over with identifying letters and insignia picked out in brick. Over time this had succumbed to the weather and nature and the letters were unreadable.
Not any more!
A man on a mission has changed the landscape. Alan 'the cricket', one of our brilliant 'Tuesday gang' volunteers, has completed a herculean effort and the result is amazing!
His comment is 'Wanted to do it for ages. Thought it would be good to get it done for the Gala and is a start on improving the appearance of the lower car park and making it look more 'ours' ie the railway's.

So with the nearly-complete clearing and tidying up of the (council installed) troughs that were very tatty, and the new signage to inform everyone that the car park is our land and a private facility...

we're hopefully getting the message across that we do care about the first impression, and about our parking spaces being taken only by those eligible to use them.
So thanks Alan - the effort you have made is much appreciated!
How interesting... We did wonder what those were today - and they certainly do look magnificent!