Remember back in January, http://bit.ly/I22yCM we did a mini-makeover of the station buffet public end.
We closed the buffet for two weekends in the off-season, so the kitchen could be completely emptied out, for a brand new floor to be installed by Graham Hill Flooring, followed by the equipment reinstalled having been deep-cleaned while actually accessible. A new steel cladding was applied to the lower half of the kitchen wall to replace the long worn-out tiling, and the floor and cladding now form a seamless hygienic surface easily kept clean.
While the kitchen was having this essential attention, we decided to leap into action on this one-off opportunity to empty and refurb the public end of the buffet. The blog pics give a tiny glimpse of the effort put in, and many hands made amazingly light work with the whole area being transformed within one long weekend.
The kitchen had to be tackled because of the food hygiene inspection which gave us a warning, with a 2 out of 5 result on the last visit some 2.5 years ago - improvement needed!
The inspector returned a week ago, and what a difference! He was VERY impressed. The only action required was for power plug labels to be waterproof to be washable.
So we were awarded a 5. Top marks! A credit to our staff who now keep their kitchen in good order, and a credit to the volunteers who helped make it happen.
If you check out the Bridgnorth area for other food ratings at http://ratings.food.gov.uk/search/en-GB?q=bridgnorth&sm=1&pi=0
you will see we are in interesting company - check out your favourite eatery for their kitchen standard to see how we now compare.
We are very proud of this achievement. And of our buffet staff. 5 out of 5, top marks.

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